To avoid elements misplacing while changing cover spine width manually it is usefull to set spine width in with this script.

To use this script cover elements or groups of elements should follow naming convention described below. It is handy to group and rename elements (or groups) in Scribus outline menu (Menu Windows → Outline).

Elements/groups naming

  • left_ prefix for elements (images and text) on the left side of cover. Elements will be fixed to the left border of cover.
  • right_ prefix for elements (images and text) on the right side of cover. Elements will be fixed to the right border of cover.
  • left_top_mark - left cover scoring mark. Used to calculate initial spine width. By default placed 8 mm to the left from spine left border. If distance from left spine border is different use suffix _offset_ in element name. For example left_top_mark_offset_5mm
  • right_top_mark - right cover scoring mark. Used to calculate initial spine width. By default placed 8 mm to the right from spine right border. If distance from left spine border is different use suffix _offset_ in element name. For example right_top_mark_offset_5mm
If you use scoring offset other than 8 mm, then set your value in script file (line scoringOffset=8).
  • left_background prefix - backgound images for left cover side
Left background border will be fixed relative to the left cover border. Detailed behaviour described below.
  • right_background prefix - background images for right cover side
Right background border will be fixed relative to the right cover border. Detailed behaviour described below.
  • spine_background prefix - background images for spine. Will be resized and moved according to new spine width.
  • background prefix Cover sized background images should be named starting with background. Will be resized to make left and right borders fixed relative to cover borders.
  • spine_logo prefix Elements' names that starts with spine_logo name will be placed on spine and will be resized width = spine_width - 2.6 mm.

Background elements placement

  • Background image.
  • When there is no spine_background elements. Each side has it's own background without special background for spine. In this case left and right backgrounds will be attached to each other in center.
left_background right_background
  • When there is at least one spine_background element. Each side and spine has it's own background. Left background will be attached to the spine at the left spine border. Right background will be attached to the spine at the right spine border.
left_background spine_background right_background

How to use

  • Download latest version from Github
  • Check naming convention in your Scribus document
  • In Scribus menu Scripter → Execute script choose file
  • Set new spine width in mm. For example 10 or 10.5 or even 10,5
  • If you run script for the first time, then check that everything placed as you expected. If not then double check elements' and groups' names in Scribus Outline window.